What went wrong here?




I have implemented an multiplier in the following way: I always take 4 bits
of my first operand and multiply it with the second operand. So in every
step I generate 4 partial products which have to be added. This sum is
stored in the accumulator. In the next clock cycle I take the next 4 bits,
multiply it with the second operand, sum up the partial products and add
this to my accumulator. This is performed a few times until I have processed
all the bits of operand one. Then my result is stored in the accu.
My implementation works fine but when I synthesize it I get a lot of
"warnings", can somebody tell me what went wrong here?

Mapping all equations...
Building and optimizing final netlist ...
Register outp_0 equivalent to accu1_8 has been removed
Register outp_1 equivalent to accu1_9 has been removed
Register outp_2 equivalent to accu1_10 has been removed
Register outp_3 equivalent to accu1_11 has been removed
Register outp_4 equivalent to accu1_12 has been removed
Register outp_5 equivalent to accu1_13 has been removed
Register outp_6 equivalent to accu1_14 has been removed
Register outp_7 equivalent to accu1_15 has been removed
Register outp_8 equivalent to accu1_16 has been removed
Register outp_9 equivalent to accu1_17 has been removed
and so on...

The code for accu1 and outp looks the following:

if rst = '1' then
op1 <= (others => '0');
op2 <= (others => '0');
outp <= (others => '0');
accu1 <= (others => '0');

elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
if load = '1' then
op1 <= inp0;
op2 <= inp1;
end if;
if shift = '1' then
op2 <= op2((2*width-10 downto 0) & (7 downto 0 => '0');
end if;
if acc = '1' then
accu1 <= accu((2*width-1) downto 0) & (7 downto 0 => '0');
outp<= "00" & accu((2*width-3) downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end process;

accu represents always the newest Accumulator value. Hope somebody can
explain me how to get rid of all these warnings


Mike Treseler

Philipp said:
_Building and optimizing final netlist ...
_Register outp_0 equivalent to accu1_8 has been removed

Those are synthesis warnings.
Maybe "outp" doesn't affect any entity ports.
Did your simulation work as expected?

-- Mike Treseler


Those are synthesis warnings.
Maybe "outp" doesn't affect any entity ports.
Did your simulation work as expected?

yes simulation works as expected. I get an answer from Paul in the FPGA
Forum and he thinks

outp and accu have many bits which will always have the same value. The
synthesis tool notices this, and thus decides to reusue the accu register to
feed whatever the corresponding bits of the outp register feed.

For example, outp(0) is always accu(0). So is accu1(8). So using accu1(8)
everywhere that outp(0) is used is logically equivalent, and uses fewer

Now the question is if it is okay to leave it this way and let the
synthesizer do the work

Mike Treseler

Philipp said:
Now the question is if it is okay to leave it this way and let the
synthesizer do the work

It never bothers me to let the synthesizer
earn some of its license fees.

-- Mike Treseler

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