Where to find the Java source files?




I remember Java source files are installed somewhere and I can take a
look at them. For example, right now I hope to look at JFrame's file,
JFrame.java. I forgot where to it is installed. Could you give me a hint?

Thank you.

Oliver Wong

Shawn said:

I remember Java source files are installed somewhere and I can take a look
at them. For example, right now I hope to look at JFrame's file,
JFrame.java. I forgot where to it is installed. Could you give me a hint?

Hint: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\src.zip

- Oliver

John Ersatznom

Oliver said:
Hint: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\src.zip

I love my IDE. Instead of my having to remember this kind of crap, the
IDE remembers it for me and all I have to do is type

JFrame foo;

somewhere random in an editor, double click "JFrame", and right click
and select "Open Declaration". Presto: Sun's source code for JFrame. It
can be configured not just for rt.jar but third-party libraries as well.
You can also configure the WWW location of their API docs and your own
generated documentation will link to the API docs, as well as
shift-F2(?) letting you send the Web browser of your choice to the
online docs for any given identifier, say ListIterator.

(You can also point the docs at locally-installed copies and browse them
likewise, but it won't generate links to them in generated
documentation. The documentation you generated would have File: URLs
that wouldn't work when you published the documentation. Point at the
online copy of library docs, though, and your generated documentation
links to the official library docs at the library's official website.)

Tris Orendorff

I love my IDE. Instead of my having to remember this kind of crap, the
IDE remembers it for me and all I have to do is type

God god man! Have you taken leave of your senses? Never, never admit to
using an IDE instead of the command line in this group. You are likely to
be tarred and feathered or worse: denounced to the authorities.

Luc The Perverse

Tris Orendorff said:
God god man! Have you taken leave of your senses? Never, never admit to
using an IDE instead of the command line in this group. You are likely to
be tarred and feathered or worse: denounced to the authorities.


I do not believe people here are opposed to an IDE in general - the problem
comes with people wanting to use an IDE as an excuse to not learn how to use
the command line.

John Ersatznom

Luc said:

I do not believe people here are opposed to an IDE in general - the problem
comes with people wanting to use an IDE as an excuse to not learn how to use
the command line.

Commandlines are overrated anywho. They're like fumbling around in the
dark with a flashlight, when you could just turn on a light. The only
area where they are better than other interfaces is when they're
scripted or used to dump a whole bunch of information as text or
something -- in other words, when it's a *computer* using them. That,
and as the last-resort user interface to an otherwise-failed system
(fancy graphics modes notworky, or headless system needs to be
remote-administered manually rather than through a nice client for some
reason). What do graphical interfaces do poorly at after all? Single
user actions? No. It's things like renaming a whole bunch of files in a
pattern and such. Even moving big piles of files is GUI-friendly.
Basically, if it isn't easily done in a modern GUI it needs to be
scripted or otherwise automated.


John said:
Commandlines are overrated anywho. They're like fumbling around in the
dark with a flashlight, when you could just turn on a light. The only
area where they are better than other interfaces is when they're
scripted or used to dump a whole bunch of information as text or
something -- in other words, when it's a *computer* using them. That,
and as the last-resort user interface to an otherwise-failed system
(fancy graphics modes notworky, or headless system needs to be
remote-administered manually rather than through a nice client for some
reason). What do graphical interfaces do poorly at after all? Single
user actions? No. It's things like renaming a whole bunch of files in a
pattern and such. Even moving big piles of files is GUI-friendly.
Basically, if it isn't easily done in a modern GUI it needs to be
scripted or otherwise automated.

You completely missed the point.

It was not a whether to use command line or GUI post.

The point was that people who could use the command line
would have an understanding of what the IDE does for them
that makes them capable of solving problems that arise when
they use the IDE.


John Ersatznom

Arne said:
You completely missed the point.

You completely missed your Friday 3:00 class, "Diplomacy 101". Please do
get your attendance up; midterms are in February you know, little more
than a month from now. :)
The point was that people who could use the command line
would have an understanding of what the IDE does for them
that makes them capable of solving problems that arise when
they use the IDE.

To wit, the IDE basically lets them turn on the room lights instead of
poking around in the dark with a flashlight. As for problems arising
with an IDE, this may need you need to: complain/submit a bug report;
work around the problem; get a different IDE; or figure out the workings
of the IDE and other tools (but not some archaic shell) and fix them.

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