SCJP 1.5 exam




The above exam consists of multiple choice questions. I have heard
mixed opinions on the format of these questions. For clarification,
can you tell me if the questions specify how many of the answers are
correct for each question.



Leonard Milcin

Pete said:

The above exam consists of multiple choice questions. I have heard
mixed opinions on the format of these questions. For clarification,
can you tell me if the questions specify how many of the answers are
correct for each question.

Depending on the question that information may, or may not be given.

Don't follow this way to prepare to the exam. Go through language
specification and memorize it. Learn the API. If you count on your luck
and knowledge of sample questions you're bound to fail the exam.

My advice. Don't waste your time if you want to pass the exam without
learning Java.




The above exam consists of multiple choice questions. I have heard
mixed opinions on the format of these questions. For clarification,
can you tell me if the questions specify how many of the answers are
correct for each question.

If there is a multiple answer you will be given checkboxes
if there is only one answer correct you will be given radiobuttons.
The exam is really trivial.

Leonard Milcin

Jagger said:
The exam is really trivial.

Yeah, riding a bike is also trivial if you know how to do it.

Please, don't say to other people that SCJP exam is trivial just because
you've already passed it. You may make somebody too confident and fail
the exam.



Please, don't say to other people that SCJP exam is trivial just because
you've already passed it. You may make somebody too confident and fail
the exam.

Well, OK, I should have written: "IMHO the exam is really trivial".

Michael Justin

Pete said:
The above exam consists of multiple choice questions. I have heard
mixed opinions on the format of these questions. For clarification,
can you tell me if the questions specify how many of the answers are
correct for each question.

Check out "SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam
310-055)" by Kathy Sierra und Bert Bates - IMHO the best 'getting
started' book for Java 5, and it also gives very helpful detail
information about the exam.

Hope this helps(tm)


Check out "SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam
310-055)" by Kathy Sierra und Bert Bates - IMHO the best 'getting
started' book for Java 5, and it also gives very helpful detail
information about the exam.

Hope this helps(tm)


Thanks for your responses.

I do want to get through this exam so any good tip would be helpful.

Michael I am reading this book. The tips in the book suggest that the
questions have a 5 possible answers however, in the exam, for each
question, there will an indication of how many of the 5 are correct ..
in effect, indication of how many to choice. It is this I want
clarification ... can you confirm ?



Thanks for your responses.

I do want to get through this exam so any good tip would be helpful.

Michael I am reading this book. The tips in the  book suggest that the
questions have a 5 possible answers however, in the exam, for each
question, there will an indication of how many of the 5 are correct ..
in effect, indication of how many to choice. It is this I want
clarification ... can you confirm ?

Some of the questions have tips like "choose three", "choose two" but
not every.

Andreas Leitgeb

Pete said:
questions have a 5 possible answers however, in the exam, for each
question, there will an indication of how many of the 5 are correct ..
in effect, indication of how many to choice. It is this I want
clarification ... can you confirm ?

Unless there is a radiobutton (where only one answer is tag-able),
and unless the question is of an entirely different type (where
no set of direct answers is offered, but instead you drag around
keywords or code-snippets) ...
So, for those question where there are indeed more answers, and
where each can be tagged independently, it's best to just tag all
those and only those that apply :) There may be a hint in
the outset about the number of correct answers, but don't rely
on it.
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
Please help SCJP 1.5

Source: SCJP 1.5 tips and Tricks Blog

Given the following code:
import java.util.Date;
public class Example {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Date d1 = new Date (99, 11, 31);
Date d2 = new Date (99, 11, 31);
method(d1, d2);
System.out.println("d1 is " + d1 + "\nd2 is " + d2);
public static void method(Date d1, Date d2) {
d2.setYear (100);
d1 = d2;

Which one or more of the following correctly describe the behavior when this program is compiled and run?

(1) compilation is successful and the output is:
d1 is Fri December 31 00:00:00 GMT 1999 d2 is Fri December 31 00:00:00 GMT 1999

(2) compilation is successful and the output is:
d1 is Fri December 31 00:00:00 GMT 1999 d2 is Sun December 31 00:00:00 GMT 2000

(3) compilation is successful and the output is:
d1 is Sun December 31 00:00:00 GMT 2000 d2 is Sun December 31 00:00:00 GMT 2000

(4) the assignment 'd1 = d2' is rejected by the compiler because the Date class cannot overload the operator '='
(5) the expression (d1 is " + d1 + "\nd2 is " + d2) is rejected by the compiler because the Date class cannot overload the operator '+'

Answer : 2
Explanation :
1) is false because we know that the data in d2 was changed. 3) is false because we know that the data in d1 was not changed. The names d1 and d2 are used in both main and method to be confusing. They are different and stored on the stack in different place. All the interesting stuff that happen in the Example class is in method. main simply initializes some data and prints the results.

Can anyone help me regarding it. I am not abe to get it. I think the output should be 3rd one.
But the blog tells it is 2. Please explain


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