consuming web service with a 407 intermitent



Hi folks,
I'm developing an Add-in for Excel to consume a web service, using
vs2003 and with a proxy class generated by wsdl.exe. I'm using soap
extension to autenticate (with headers).
When I have the internet explorer opened, I try to consume the web
service and works fine, but when I close the browser is imposible to
consume the web service. I installed the Network Monitor in the server
machine and probed that only when the browser is started the network
packages arrive to the server.
I don't know what relationship exists between browser and consuming a
web service from an excel add-in.
I'm getting the following error:

System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy
Authentication Required.

But anonymous authentication is enabled and I'm not using any proxy
thanks a lot.

John Saunders

>magno said:
Hi folks,
I'm developing an Add-in for Excel to consume a web service, using
vs2003 and with a proxy class generated by wsdl.exe. I'm using soap
extension to autenticate (with headers).
When I have the internet explorer opened, I try to consume the web
service and works fine, but when I close the browser is imposible to
consume the web service. I installed the Network Monitor in the server
machine and probed that only when the browser is started the network
packages arrive to the server.
I don't know what relationship exists between browser and consuming a
web service from an excel add-in.
I'm getting the following error:

System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy
Authentication Required.

Try consuming the service from your client while you have the browser open.
I bet you get the same error.

You probably have the proxy configured in the browser, but your web service
client does not have the proxy set up. Your client will need to configure
the proxy as your network administrators require.


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