How to use expressions in named-association port map?


Alex Rast

I'd like to use an expression in a port map using named association. None of
the books or reference sources I've checked are clear on this problem. From
what I see, it looks as though there is some way to do this, but there's no
guidance on the syntax. Here's the situation I envision.

I define a component that has a parametrised input bus (i.e. one of arbitrary
width). Now, I want to use that component as part of a component that is itself
parametrised. At some point, an upper-level instantiation sets a parameter that
then sets the widths of the components lower in the hierarchy.

So, let's say it goes something like this:

entity someprimitivecomponent is
generic (sub_bus_width : integer := somedefault);
port (somebus : in std_logic_vector;
someresult : out std_logic_vector);
end someprimitivecomponent;

entity someintermediatecomponent is
generic (bus_width : integer := someotherdefault);
port (anotherbus : in std_logic_vector;
anotherresult : out std_logic_vector);
end someintermediatecomponent;

architecture parametrised of someintermediatecomponent is

component someprimitivecomponent
generic (sub_bus_width : integer := somedefault);
port (somebus : in std_logic_vector;
someresult : out std_logic_vector);
end component;

... other declarations

constant somenumber : integer := somevalue;
constant someothernumber : integer := someothervalue;


sub_component1 : someprimitivecomponent
generic map (sub_bus_width := bus_width MOD somenumber)
port map (somebus(((bus_width MOD somenumber)-1) downto 0) =>
anotherbus(((bus_width MOD somenumber)-1) downto 0),
someresult(((bus_width MOD someothernumber)-1) downto 0)
=> anotherresult(((bus_width MOD someothernumber)-1) downto 0));

... other instantiations and wiring

end parametrised;

entity sometopdesign is
port (global_bus : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
output_bus : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end sometopdesign;

architecture 64Bit of sometopdesign is

component someintermediatecomponent
generic (bus_width : integer := someotherdefault);
port (anotherbus : in std_logic_vector;
anotherresult : out std_logic_vector);
end component;

... other declarations


component1 : someintermediatecomponent
generic map (bus_width => 64)
port map(anotherbus(63 downto 0) => global_bus(63 downto 0),
anotherresult(31 downto 0) => output_bus(31 downto 0));

... other instantiations and wiring

end 64Bit;

However, the syntax checker chokes on this. It doesn't seem to want to accept
the someprimitivecomponent instantiation in someintermediatecomponent, and
seems to want to force the range of the formal ports in the instantiation to be
a number. That is, if you have port map (somebus({expression} downto 0), the
only things it seems to want to accept in {expression} are numbers, i.e.
strings consisting only of the characters {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. I
certainly don't see anything in the literature available to me that leads me to
believe this would have to be the case, and in fact it seems as though that
would severely hamper the ability to use named association to describe slices
of ports. What is the correct syntax, then, to achieve the result I need?

Jim Lewis

There is a small syntax error in the instantiation, the fix
is shown below, I don't know if it is also in your real design,
but other than that, I don't see anything that sticks out
at me. I have used generics and sig_nam'range when slicing
objects. I have not used mod.

Is this for a synthesis tool or simulator? Some synthesis tools
may not like the components and entities not have constrained
port sizes (even though the language allows it).
sub_component1 : someprimitivecomponent
generic map (sub_bus_width := bus_width MOD somenumber)

-- Should be:
generic map (sub_bus_width => bus_width MOD somenumber)

port map (somebus(((bus_width MOD somenumber)-1) downto 0) =>
anotherbus(((bus_width MOD somenumber)-1) downto 0),
someresult(((bus_width MOD someothernumber)-1) downto 0)
=> anotherresult(((bus_width MOD someothernumber)-1) downto 0));

... other instantiations and wiring

end parametrised;

If you need more help, post something I can paste into a file
and look at the errors.

Jim Lewis
Director of Training mailto:[email protected]
SynthWorks Design Inc.

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification

Alex Rast

at Wed, 10 Nov 2004 00:14:07 GMT in <[email protected]>,
There is a small syntax error in the instantiation, the fix
is shown below, ...

-- Should be:
generic map (sub_bus_width => bus_width MOD

Typo while typing in the post. In my VHDL code it's =>, not :=. So that
wouldn't be the source of the problems.
Is this for a synthesis tool or simulator? Some synthesis tools
may not like the components and entities not have constrained
port sizes (even though the language allows it).

Synthesis tool (Synplify). It's a recent version, so I'd imagine this
wouldn't be the source of the problem (AFAIU, most of the strange
synthesis-tool related constraints on parametrised code seem to apply
mostly to older, legacy synthesis tools)

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