I2C START STOP generation



Hi All

I am implementing an I2C slave and low level interface to interface it
to EEPROM. I am using I2c Master for verifying this module . The I2C
Master code is reused from some other module. He has implemented the
I2C in a fashion that the PULL up and the Pull Down is to be provided
from outside. It has SCL_IN,SCL_OUT, SDA_IN,SDA_OUT ports and some
other control signals. It doesnot generate a start and stop condition
inside i2c master block. I have seen the code it waits for the SDA to
go from LOW to HIGH .My question is

1. in I2C master do we have to make a separate module in verilog ( the
code is in verilog) to generate start and stop condition. or it is
expected to have this functionality inside the I2C master
2. How do I connect for verifying the slave and the Interface . The
SDA_IN( master) is connected to SDA_OUT( slave) and SCL_IN( master) is
connects to SCL_GEN module ( as the I2C master takes SCL_IN as inut to
the master module . SCL_OUT(master) connects to SCL_IN (SLAVE),
SDA_OUT( master) to SDA_IN( slave) . The confusion is the start and
stop generation /detection module as it is not inside the controller
has to be connected from outside. Will the START gen module just send
SCL and SDA to I2c Master for start operation and the the master will
take from there.
3. In the initial state when it is reset under normal protocol
situation the SCL is Z and the SDA is Z both pulled up . To start the
operation for a start gen condition is there a separate module to do
so .How normally in I2C master it is done( someone who has already
done it.
4. I have gone througn the standard but got confused as how the first
start and stop condition is generated and who will toggle the first
SDA low to high.

I have googled also and looked for some reference designs but it is
not running well in sumulation to understand how the first start
operation is gereated as the slave is IDLE and waiting for the start
signal from the master.

I would highly appreciate any suggestions on this issue.

Thanks in advance


Paul Uiterlinden

VIPS said:
Hi All

I am implementing an I2C slave and low level interface to interface it
to EEPROM. I am using I2c Master for verifying this module . The I2C
Master code is reused from some other module. He has implemented the
I2C in a fashion that the PULL up and the Pull Down is to be provided
from outside. It has SCL_IN,SCL_OUT, SDA_IN,SDA_OUT ports and some
other control signals. It doesnot generate a start and stop condition
inside i2c master block. I have seen the code it waits for the SDA to
go from LOW to HIGH .My question is

1. in I2C master do we have to make a separate module in verilog ( the

This is a VHDL group, not Verilog. Besides, I do not see any VHDL or Verilog
related question. Just architectural issues, not related to the language in
which the blocks are designed.
code is in verilog) to generate start and stop condition. or it is
expected to have this functionality inside the I2C master

The latter would be most logical. I cannot think of any reason why the
start/stop patterns should be generated by a separate block.
2. How do I connect for verifying the slave and the Interface . The
SDA_IN( master) is connected to SDA_OUT( slave) and SCL_IN( master) is
connects to SCL_GEN module ( as the I2C master takes SCL_IN as inut to
the master module . SCL_OUT(master) connects to SCL_IN (SLAVE),
SDA_OUT( master) to SDA_IN( slave) . The confusion is the start and
stop generation /detection module as it is not inside the controller
has to be connected from outside. Will the START gen module just send
SCL and SDA to I2c Master for start operation and the the master will
take from there.

This whole thing with a separate start/stop generation block only makes
things over complicated. Get rid of it.
3. In the initial state when it is reset under normal protocol
situation the SCL is Z and the SDA is Z both pulled up . To start the
operation for a start gen condition is there a separate module to do
so .How normally in I2C master it is done( someone who has already
done it.
4. I have gone througn the standard but got confused as how the first
start and stop condition is generated and who will toggle the first
SDA low to high.

The first transition in SDA is from high to low, while SCL is high. That
transition is generated by the master.

For more information, see for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I²C
and the references there to the official I2C specifications.

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