[newbie]value of a in "unsigned int a=-16"




I have this small doubt on unsigned data.
In the following code snippet:

unsigned int a=-16;
int b=-15;
if(b>a) printf("b>a");
else printf("a>b");

Iam getting b>a as the answer.Why?
With unsigned data,what i thought was that,they dont have to reserve the
first bit for sign.Then how come the value of a is -16 even when its

Thanks in adavance..


Default User

Arthur J. O'Dwyer said:
First of all, what you have is a "question." "Doubt" is a verb,
meaning "to be unsure of the truth of." As in, "I doubt that
English is your first language."

Is English *your* first language?

Main Entry: 2doubt
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
1 a : uncertainty of belief or opinion that often interferes with
decision-making b : a deliberate suspension of judgment
2 : a state of affairs giving rise to uncertainty, hesitation, or
3 a : a lack of confidence : DISTRUST b : an inclination not to believe
or accept
synonym see UNCERTAINTY

Brian Rodenborn

Simon Biber

Arthur J. O'Dwyer said:
Since -16 cannot be represented as an unsigned int, the
compiler implicitly converts -16 to an unsigned value by
repeated addition of UINT_MAX. Thus, after the
initialization, a == UINT_MAX-16.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

int main(void)
unsigned a = -16;
printf("UINT_MAX == %u\n", UINT_MAX);
printf("UINT_MAX - 15 == %u\n", UINT_MAX - 15);
printf("UINT_MAX - 16 == %u\n", UINT_MAX - 16);
printf("a == %u\n", a);
return 0;

C:\prog\c>gcc -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -W -O2 unsigned.c -o unsigned
UINT_MAX == 4294967295
UINT_MAX - 15 == 4294967280
UINT_MAX - 16 == 4294967279
a == 4294967280

The compiler converts -16 to an unsigned value by repeated
addition of UINT_MAX + 1. Thus, after the initialization,
a == UINT_MAX - 15.
Since a and b are of different types, one of them must be
promoted to the type of the other one. Since a is unsigned
and b is not, it is b that gets promoted. So the value
being compared to UINT_MAX-16 in this expression is
(unsigned int)b, or UINT_MAX-15.

No, it's comparing `a' which is UINT_MAX-15 to `(unsigned)b'
which is UINT_MAX-14.

Brett Frankenberger

Since -16 cannot be represented as an unsigned int, the compiler
implicitly converts -16 to an unsigned value by repeated addition
of UINT_MAX. Thus, after the initialization, a == UINT_MAX-16.

Actually, addition of (UINT_MAX+1).

- Brett

Default User

Yeah, yeah. I didn't bother to actually look up the word just
to correct the guy's usage. (But its *first* entry in the dictionary
is as a verb. So.)

Something has to be listed first, that doesn't make secondary listings

My point was that it's a poor idea to try and correct someone's grammar
on usenet. It would have been a fine idea to point out that,
idiomatically, the use of doubt there was not typical English.

Brian Rodenborn

Default User

That's untrue. Doubt can be used as the OP did, it just isn't a
*typical* usage.
I've noticed this error all over Usenet, all of a sudden -- maybe the last 3 months or so.
Has some new incorrect English-as-a-second-language textbook come out that's spreading

It's not an error per se, just atypical. As to its frequency in some of
our non-native English-speaking friends, that I don't have a clue about.
It does seem to be rather common of late.

Brian Rodenborn

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