probleme in code

May 15, 2006
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i m tring to implement the blowfish encryption algorithm.i m trying to implement the array which has values in it and writes it again to the same location after some mathematical function . fot this i used unsigned type values it works fine whn i check synstex and didnt give any error but whn i try to generate test bench it gives error Error like below::

and also attaching my code as welll

parray.vhd(66): (vcom-1137) Identifier 'unsigned' is not visible. Making two objects with the name 'unsigned' directly visible via use clauses results in a conflict; neither object is made directly visible. (LRM Section 10.4)
# Definitions included from:
# ieee.std_logic_arith.unsigned
# ieee.numeric_std.unsigned
# ** Error: parray.vhd(69): VHDL Compiler exiting
# ** Error: C:/Modeltech_xe_starter/win32xoem/vcom failed.
# Executing ONERROR command at macro ./testbench.ado line 9
ERROR: VSim failed to simulate annotated testbench

code :::
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity parray_control is
port (
clk : in std_logic;

init_parray : in bit; -- tells us to initialize the parray
sub_parray : in bit; -- tells us to run the zero_block through

sub_parray_done : out bit;

sboxes_zero_block : out unsigned(63 downto 0); -- to sboxes_control

parray_init_addr : buffer unsigned(4 downto 0);
parray_init_chunk : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_init_data : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_addr : out unsigned(4 downto 0);
parray_data_in : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_data_out : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
parray_we : out bit;
parray_crypt_go : out bit;
parray_crypt_ptext : out unsigned(63 downto 0);

crypt_ctext : in unsigned(63 downto 0);
crypt_parray_addr : in unsigned(4 downto 0);
crypt_parray_data : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
crypt_done : in bit;

keychunk_blob : in unsigned(447 downto 0)

end parray_control;

architecture fishy of parray_control is

signal parray_state : PARRAY_STATES;

type KEYCHUNK_TYPE is array (0 to 13) of unsigned(31 downto 0);
signal keychunk : KEYCHUNK_TYPE;

signal zero_block : unsigned(63 downto 0);


-- split up the blob into the chunks we just selected
keychunk(0) <= keychunk_blob(31 downto 0);
keychunk(1) <= keychunk_blob(63 downto 32);
keychunk(2) <= keychunk_blob(95 downto 64);
keychunk(3) <= keychunk_blob(127 downto 96);
keychunk(4) <= keychunk_blob(159 downto 128);
keychunk(5) <= keychunk_blob(191 downto 160);
keychunk(6) <= keychunk_blob(223 downto 192);
keychunk(7) <= keychunk_blob(255 downto 224);
keychunk(8) <= keychunk_blob(287 downto 256);
keychunk(9) <= keychunk_blob(319 downto 288);
keychunk(10) <= keychunk_blob(351 downto 320);
keychunk(11) <= keychunk_blob(383 downto 352);
keychunk(12) <= keychunk_blob(415 downto 384);
keychunk(13) <= keychunk_blob(447 downto 416);

-- process to control parray initialization
process(clk, parray_state, init_parray, crypt_done, parray_init_addr,
sub_parray, keychunk)
variable just_started : std_logic;
if (clk'event AND clk = '1') then
sub_parray_done <= '0';
if (parray_state = SUB) then
if (crypt_done = '1' AND just_started = '0') then
parray_state <= SUB_WRITE1;
--parray_init_addr - don't modify it
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
just_started := '0';
parray_state <= SUB;
--parray_init_addr - don't modify it
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
end if;
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
parray_state <= SUB_WRITE2;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE2) then
if (parray_init_addr = 17) then
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
parray_state <= SUB;
parray_crypt_go <= '1';
end if;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
just_started := '1'; -- so we don't write two in a row!
elsif (sub_parray = '1') then
parray_state <= SUB;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '1';
just_started := '1';
elsif (parray_state = INIT) then
if (parray_init_addr = 17) then
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_state <= INIT;
end if;
parray_init_addr <= parray_init_addr + 1;
case parray_init_addr is
when "00000" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(1);
when "00001" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(2);
when "00010" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(3);
when "00011" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(4);
when "00100" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(5);
when "00101" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(6);
when "00110" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(7);
when "00111" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(8);
when "01000" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(9);
when "01001" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(10);
when "01010" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(11);
when "01011" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(12);
when "01100" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(13);
when "01101" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(0);
when "01110" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(1);
when "01111" => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(2);
when others => parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(3);
end case;
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
elsif (init_parray = '1') then
parray_state <= INIT;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= keychunk(0);
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
else -- if we're not initializing, just pass-through
parray_state <= PASS;
parray_init_addr <= (others => '0');
parray_init_chunk <= (others => '0');
parray_crypt_go <= '0';
sub_parray_done <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;

-- process to control the zero_block used in initalizations
process(clk, parray_state, zero_block, crypt_ctext, sub_parray)
if (clk'event AND clk = '1') then
if (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
zero_block <= crypt_ctext;
sboxes_zero_block <= crypt_ctext;
elsif (sub_parray = '1') then
zero_block <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
parray_crypt_ptext <= zero_block;
end process;

crypt_parray_data <= parray_data_out;

-- process to allow parray init or passthrough to crypt
process(parray_state, parray_init_addr, parray_init_data, crypt_parray_addr,
if (parray_state = SUB_WRITE1) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= crypt_ctext(63 downto 32);
elsif (parray_state = SUB_WRITE2) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= crypt_ctext(31 downto 0);
elsif (parray_state = INIT) then
parray_we <= '1';
parray_addr <= parray_init_addr;
parray_data_in <= parray_init_data;
parray_we <= '0';
parray_addr <= crypt_parray_addr;
parray_data_in <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;


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