Programming with an old Mac OS 10.11.6

Feb 13, 2024
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Hi All

I am trying to return to doing programming with Python, C, C++ and Java.
I have just installed Python to the Mac, it seems gone fine.

I have been programming with Pascal, C and VB6 with MSQSL back 20 year ago, but have been doing
other works, hence I will be needing some practice, re-learning coding, maybe from the very beginning.

I also have a WIndows 11 PC laptop, and will be using it as well.
But this old Mac has a larger screen and good keyboard, so I prefer using it if it can manage to run all
these PL IDEs.

If you would offer any advice on the OS, PC platforms for the coding practice and learning in general,
I would appreciate it very much.

Jan 24, 2024
Reaction score
Hi All

I am trying to return to doing programming with Python, C, C++ and Java.
I have just installed Python to the Mac, it seems gone fine.

I have been programming with Pascal, C and VB6 with MSQSL back 20 year ago, but have been doing
other works, hence I will be needing some practice, re-learning coding, maybe from the very beginning.

I also have a WIndows 11 PC laptop, and will be using it as well.
But this old Mac has a larger screen and good keyboard, so I prefer using it if it can manage to run all
these PL IDEs.

If you would offer any advice on the OS, PC platforms for the coding practice and learning in general,
I would appreciate it very much.

Welcome back to programming! It's great that you're diving into Python, C, C++, and Java. Here are some recommendations and advice:

1. Choosing an IDE (Integrated Development Environment):

  • Python:
    • PyCharm is a popular choice for Python development.
    • VSCode with Python extension is lightweight and feature-rich.
  • C/C++:
    • Visual Studio Code is a good option with C/C++ extension.
    • CLion is a powerful IDE specifically for C and C++ by JetBrains.
  • Java:
    • IntelliJ IDEA is a top-notch Java IDE.
    • Eclipse is another widely used Java IDE.

2. Setting Up Development Environments:

  • Python:
    • You can use virtual environments to manage dependencies.
  • C/C++:
    • Install a C/C++ compiler like GCC.
    • For Windows, MinGW or Visual Studio can be used.
  • Java:
    • Install the JDK (Java Development Kit).

3. Version Control:

  • Consider using Git for version control. Platforms like GitHub or GitLab can host your code repositories.

4. Online Learning Platforms:

  • Utilize online platforms like Codecademy, Coursera, or edX for structured courses.
  • Leverage coding challenges on platforms like HackerRank, LeetCode, or CodeSignal.

5. Books and Documentation:

  • Books like "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python," "Effective C++," and "Head First Java" are valuable resources.
  • Refer to official documentation for each language (Python docs, C++ documentation, etc.).

6. Practice, Projects, and Open Source:

  • Apply your knowledge through coding exercises and small projects.
  • Contribute to open-source projects to gain practical experience.

7. Cross-Platform Development:

  • Since you have both a Mac and a Windows PC, consider making your projects cross-platform. Tools like Git ensure seamless collaboration.

8. Community Involvement:

  • Join programming communities on platforms like Stack Overflow, Reddit, or Discord to seek help and share knowledge.

9. Regular Updates:

  • Stay updated with the latest developments in the programming languages you are working with.

10. Enjoy the Learning Process:

  • Coding is fun! Enjoy the process of learning and problem-solving.

Operating System Choice:​

Both macOS and Windows are suitable for programming. The choice depends on your personal preference. macOS is Unix-based and has a robust terminal, which can be beneficial for development. Windows is widely used, and tools like WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) can provide a Unix-like environment.

Ultimately, the best setup is the one that feels comfortable for you. Feel free to explore and experiment to find what works best for your workflow. Good luck on your coding journey!

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