Tutorial/Help on programming Genetic Algroithms in Java/C++


Ruben Hoste

Hello, I'm currently looking for more information on Genetic
Algorithms and more specifficaly on how to program them in Java or
C++. This is all concerning my thesis.
A lot of general information about GA's, what they are and how they
generally work I already found on the web, but I'm looking for some
more information on how to actually program them.
Is there a certain programming language preferably to use to program
the GA?
Has anyone help with some basic code I can use to study on?
In fact all help on programming GA's is more then welcome!

Thx a lot!


Paul Lutus

Ruben said:
Hello, I'm currently looking for more information on Genetic
Algorithms and more specifficaly on how to program them in Java or
C++. This is all concerning my thesis.
A lot of general information about GA's, what they are and how they
generally work I already found on the web, but I'm looking for some
more information on how to actually program them.

"program them -> write them in source code". Yes?
Is there a certain programming language preferably to use to program
the GA?

If that were true, the name wouldn't apply. By definition, they are not
Has anyone help with some basic code I can use to study on?

What? Maybe you could work on your sentence structure as you move toward the
goal of writing clear computer programs.
In fact all help on programming GA's is more then welcome!

more then -> more than


Ruben said:
Hello, I'm currently looking for more information on Genetic
Algorithms and more specifficaly on how to program them in Java or
C++. This is all concerning my thesis.
A lot of general information about GA's, what they are and how they
generally work I already found on the web, but I'm looking for some
more information on how to actually program them.
Is there a certain programming language preferably to use to program
the GA?
Has anyone help with some basic code I can use to study on?
In fact all help on programming GA's is more then welcome!

Thx a lot!

Take a look at Robert Ghanea-Hercock's 'Applied Evolutionary Algorithms
in Java', published by Springer Verlag (see
http://www.techbookreport.com/tbr0031.html for more details). The book
covers a basic intro and includes plenty of source. A CD is included,
with full source code. If you're at a university take a look in your

TechBookReport : http://www.techbookreport.com

Tyler Reed


I think the biggest problem with implementing a GA (or any inherently
parallel algorithm) is that most folks are trying to implement them on
sequential processors. Technically speaking (and despite popular belief),
even a large number of sequential processors all wired together does not a
parallel computer make. I'm probably off topic here, but IMHO, if you want
to run a parallel algorithm, run it on a parallel processor. Maybe check
out hardware (and software) from Annapolis, Star Bridge Systems, Nallatech
or the new Cray XD1. All of these machines have FPGAs embedded in them.
With an FPGA, the electronic circuit implementation of the algorithm, in
all of it's parallel glory, can be instantiated on the fly.

Just my 2 cents,
Tyler Reed

Ruben Hoste

Paul Lutus said:
"program them -> write them in source code". Yes?

Yes idd write source code.
If that were true, the name wouldn't apply. By definition, they are not

What? Maybe you could work on your sentence structure as you move toward the
goal of writing clear computer programs.

For non english speaking people it isn't always so easy to write
without (spelling) mistakes, so excuse me for any errors, and please
ask me for more information if you don't understand something! Thank
I mean hear, some pseudo code, or some simple java/c++ program
concerning GA's

Kent Paul Dolan

What? Maybe you could work on your sentence structure as you move toward the
goal of writing clear computer programs.
more then -> more than

In your never-ending campaign to prove yourself an offensive idiot,
Paul, minutea like checking out the OP's native language would only
stand in your way.



Paul Lutus

Kent said:
In your never-ending campaign to prove yourself an offensive idiot,

Pot, kettle, black. The difference is, with your utter lack of
irony-awareness, you think you can engage in an amplified version of what
you criticize in others while evading the obvious label "hypocrite".
Probably an artifact of your age.

Kent Paul Dolan

Paul Lutus said:
Pot, kettle, black.

To save me the trouble of doing the needed archive
research, do you _always_ attack the messenger,
rather than indulge in appropriately contrite
behavior, such as apologizing to the party you
offended, when your oafishness is called in

[You'll find, as thousands before you have, that
trying to insult a retired submariner by name
calling is a failing strategy. The opinions of
me expressed by self-demonstrated imbeciles are
of no importance whatever to me, as I am more
than capable of considering the source.]
Probably an artifact of your age.

Yes. It's called "adulthood". When you've once
experienced it, it's hard to go back to the Lutus
level of maturity.



I don't see how "Genetic Algortihm", by definition, means "not language
specific". Were you thinking "Generic" instead of "Genetic", perhaps?

In any case, the language of choice for Genetic Algorithms tends to be
governed by the context under which is intended to be run, right? C++ might
be a fine language to use for playing around with various methods. So might
assembly code. If you're planning on entering some kind of contest, then
they probably specify exactly how the programs need to be written. If
you're doing it yourself, then you can specify any language you feel
comfortable with. (Although in that case you may find it more difficult to
write the controlling program, which I'd guess would emulate an imaginary
[parallel?] processor, than to fiddle with various algorithms.)

I see others have given good links for you already though. Check them out.
And have fun!


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