What do you use to create web pages


Brian Cryer

Dylan Parry said:
Exactly the same software for myself. I only ever use "code view"
though, and I probably wouldn't be using Expression if I hadn't received
it through the Partner Program.

Personally I mostly use the "split" view and sometimes the "code view".

I had to get my company to buy Expression for me. I can see the benefits of
the partner program and am thinking about making a case for it.

Brian Cryer

BigDaddyBS said:
Despite the dire warnings and critiques of it's use in this and other
groups, I still use FrontPage. I get the page laid out at least close to
the way I want it, and go into source mode to make changes that need to be
made. (I do NOT use FrontPage objects, except in the very few forms, and
DO run new layouts through Firefox.) I've also used Firefox to find and
correct some CSS problems I've had. And, Notepad for the few javascripts I

You are right, FP tends to be looked down on by many members of this group
and not without some justification.

I used to use FrontPage all the time up until a few months ago (when I
switched to Expression). In my opinion the way you are using FP is probably
the best way to use FP - because you are minimising the opportunity for it
to produce bad code and keeping on top of what it is producing. Its still
worth running the pages past the w3c validator occasionally
(http://validator.w3.org/), I found that with the best will in the world
some poor constructs still got through.

Dylan Parry

Brian said:
Personally I mostly use the "split" view and sometimes the "code view".

I would like if I could get the split view to show merely a preview and
not a WYSIWYG editing environment. Perhaps this can be done? I simply
haven't explored it enough yet. I'd also like if I could get it to use a
different rendering engine in the preview pane, but I somehow doubt this
is possible.
I had to get my company to buy Expression for me. I can see the benefits of
the partner program and am thinking about making a case for it.

I used to use HTML-Kit and TopStyle Pro for editing HTML and CSS
separately, but since getting Expression it's no longer necessary to use
two programs and Expression adequately replaces both. Again though, I
probably wouldn't have bought it as I didn't think it would be up to
much when I first heard that MS were bringing out a replacement for FP,
so I didn't give it much thought.

When it arrived in the mail though, I opened the box and thought "hmm, I
wonder if they've improved it since FP?" then gave it a try and was
pleasantly surprised! Not looked back since :)

Dylan Parry
http://electricfreedom.org | http://webpageworkshop.co.uk

The opinions stated above are not necessarily representative of
those of my cats. All opinions expressed are entirely your own.

Travis Newbury

Just a little survey. Tell us what you use to create your web pages.
I like Dreamweaver and notepad to do some hand coding.

Dreamweaver for most HTML/CSS
Flash 8 for most ActionsScript
Photoshop CS2 for images
Illustrator CS2 for graphics
Notepad when ever I have to make a quick change

Mike Minor

That is exactly the purpose of this little exercise.....to help us learn
about the tools others find helpful in their work. If one person is able to
find a tool better than the one they are currently using, then we have all
accomplished something. THere have been many tools mentioned that I had
never heard of, and some that I think I might like to try.

Why does the world always suspect an ulterior motive? Can't curiosity be a
good thing?

Mike Minor

Mike Minor

Wow....I hadn't heard Wordstar mentioned in years....That was my first
wordprocessor.....I think I still have itloaded on one of my older machines.
Wonder if I still remember how to use it :)

Mike Minor

asdf said:
William Hughes said:
All coded by hand in Wordpad, Notepad and Wordstar 5.0 (MSDos

Spot the masochist.


Despite the dire warnings and critiques of it's use in this and other
groups, I still use FrontPage. I get the page laid out at least close to the
way I want it, and go into source mode to make changes that need to be made.
(I do NOT use FrontPage objects, except in the very few forms, and DO run
new layouts through Firefox.) I've also used Firefox to find and correct
some CSS problems I've had. And, Notepad for the few javascripts I use.

(Ok... Let's hear it... :-} )

Ive used it about 10 years ago and I didn't like it (didn't it upload
the password along with the site then ?). Just out of curiosity ... do
you have a link to a page you made with fp ?


While the city slept, Mike Minor ([email protected]) feverishly
Just a little survey. Tell us what you use to create your web pages.

I like Dreamweaver and notepad to do some hand coding.

For work;
From the office: Dreamweaver 8 (In code view only, already installed on my
machine when I started there and I like the layout for coding, and hitting
CTRL-S to save, SHIFT-CTRL-U to upload, then CTRL-ALT to browser and F5 to
refresh, I kinda like the way that works
From home: Textpad, WinSCP (standard ftp is disabled on the server, so need
to ssh into it to upload/download stuff) so simply drag file from server to
local drive via WinSCP, edit in Textpad, save then drag back onto the server
with WinSCP, then refresh in browser, scratch head, try and figure out why
it doesn't work, bang head against brick wall etc lol

Generally, SQLYog Enterprise for MySQL stuff - it rocks! Need the Enterprise
version for us as have to log in to the SQL server on the physical host, so
have to ssh tunnel in there. Normal free version of SQLYog doesn't support
that, but otherwise that is a mighty fine tool.

As above, WinSCP for access, also Putty for opening a terminal session to
the server.

Graphics: Photoshop, or the Gimp which I haven't used in a while...

.... erm... I'm sure there are a few things I've forgotten... :s



While the city slept, Jukka K. Korpela ([email protected]) feverishly
Scripsit Mike Minor:

I use Common Sense, Inspiration, Care, and sometimes Fancy Tricks.

Now, please tell me what the purpose of this survey is. Why do you
care what other people, such as a dozen people who care to answer
your survey, are using or claim to be using?

I'm personally assuming that the OP is curious as to what the good people on
here use in their own individual toolkits - which is a good way of finding
out what particular tools may be good to use. Hopefuly the OP is - as we
speak - googling for some of the tools mentioned to see what may or may not
be useful to them...

I am also assuming that you looked at the clock and realised that you were
behind in your daily quota of unnecessary abuse and just had to post this as
a response...



"nice.guy.nige said:
I'm personally assuming that the OP is curious as to what the good people on
here use in their own individual toolkits - which is a good way of finding
out what particular tools may be good to use. Hopefuly the OP is - as we
speak - googling for some of the tools mentioned to see what may or may not
be useful to them...

What do you care what the OP is googling for (as we speak? Give
me a break!)? I guess it is ok for someone to ask what folk are
using and others to tell him. But I must say, I feel some
irritation at any explicit defence of this thread. You yourself
seem to use at one stage pretty well everything under the sun.


Floortje said:
Ive used it about 10 years ago and I didn't like it (didn't it upload the
password along with the site then ?). Just out of curiosity ... do you
have a link to a page you made with fp ?

(Used this page here before, and had problems not related to FP not so
subtly reported to me... Hopefully all of them have been fixed. And, please
don't complain about my "massive" CSS file. I use 99% of all classes and ids
named somewhere on the site, and know I be able to combine many of them.
Almost all are commented (adds to the length of the file), and I used
abbreviations, not semantics - ie: fcb = Font Color Blue, hbbqrw = Heavy
Border BlockQuote Replacement - White background, etc. - works for me!)

BigDaddyBS (Bill S)


What do you care what the OP is googling for (as we speak? Give
me a break!)? I guess it is ok for someone to ask what folk are
using and others to tell him. But I must say, I feel some
irritation at any explicit defence of this thread. You yourself
seem to use at one stage pretty well everything under the sun.

What do you care what he cares what Jukka cares what the OP cares about in
the first place? Oh hell, I guess I just don't care anymore, anyway...


Wow....I hadn't heard Wordstar mentioned in years....That was my first
wordprocessor.....I think I still have itloaded on one of my older
machines. Wonder if I still remember how to use it :)

Ditto. And while I can't recall them off the top of my head, I'll bet I'd
remember the control-codes in 5 minutes with a working copy of the app.


Dreamweaver for most HTML/CSS
Flash 8 for most ActionsScript
Photoshop CS2 for images
Illustrator CS2 for graphics
Notepad when ever I have to make a quick change

Hmm, I'm not familiar with Illustrator. What does it do that Photoshop
doesn't, or IOW, can you tell me how it's different?


Just a little survey. Tell us what you use to create your web pages.

I like Dreamweaver and notepad to do some hand coding.

Thank you,

Mike Minor

Well, in 3 categories:


HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript

Photoshop, Irfanview.

I think that's it.

patrick j

Tell us what you use to create your web pages.

1. BBC Radio 3 - This I have on via the BBC's online "Radio Player" and I
find it helps to put my mind in the best mood.

2. BBEdit - This is a text editor on the Mac and very impressive it is too.
3. Intaglio - This is a Mac drawing program. It is very neat and I find it
easily comprehendible.

4. GraphicConverter - This is a Mac image converter but has many additional
capabilities, so far I've been able to do everything I wish with images
using just GraphicConverter.

William Hughes

Wow....I hadn't heard Wordstar mentioned in years....That was my first
wordprocessor.....I think I still have itloaded on one of my older machines.
Wonder if I still remember how to use it :)

I've had it loaded on every machine I've assembled. It's just to
all-around useful, IMO.

William Hughes

1. BBC Radio 3 - This I have on via the BBC's online "Radio Player" and I
find it helps to put my mind in the best mood.

*snerk* A good point. The environment is indeed a factor in coding. I
find that I work better either in silence or when listening to 60s/70s

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