What editor shall I use?



What editor shall I use if my Python script must contain utf-8
I use XP
Thank you for reply

Tim Chase

I myself have just begun using vim. Does anyone have any
tips/convenient tweaks for python programming with it?

For python programming several settings can make life far less
painful (assuming you like 4-spaces-per-tab) :

set ai ts=4 sw=4 et


set ai ts=4 sw=4 noet

(depending on whether you prefer tabs or spaces...just be consistent)

Setting 'ai' puts vim in "autoindent" mode.

Setting 'ts' sets how many spaces are considered an a tab

Setting 'sw' sets how many spaces-worth a shift does

Setting 'et' sets the 'expandtab' property. When set, it expands
typed tabs as spaces. When unset ('noexpandtab'), tabs aren't

You might also search the "scripts" or "tips" section of
www.vim.org for "python" and see what sorts of scripts, tips, and
plugins are available to supercharge your python-coding in vim.


Additionally, the vim mailing list is one of the best I've been
on--regularly on-topic, with friendly folk, accurate answers,
fairly fast replies, and some great minds to tap.



Benji York

Dylan said:
I myself have just begun using vim. Does anyone have any
tips/convenient tweaks for python programming with it?

EnhancedCommentify, ShowFunc, spacehi, svncommand, and pythonhelper are
nice Vim plugins to use with Python. They can all be found on vim.org.

Not Python-specific, but I highly recommend Steve Oualline's Vim book

Peter Milliken

You might want to have a look at the Python Wiki - it has lots of good
information. One topic of interest is on what editors you can use with
Python http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors

Otherwise asking a question like "what editor should I use" will invariably
generate a response based on what each individual is "happy" with - not
necessarily the best editor from your perspective at all! :) For example, I
use Emacs - have done so for 15+ years now. AFAIK it is an excellent editing
platform for Python development - but then it is an excellent platform for
any language development I have ever used :).

Goodluck in your search,

Jaroslaw Zabiello


Colin J. Williams

Peter said:
An extremely capable, easy to use and small editor is Neil
Hodgson's SciTE. It's my favorite editor on Windows and Linux.
There is a Windows installer at


Peter Maas, Aachen
Yes, Scite is an excellent editor for Windows or Linux, but PyScripter
offers more, including call completion and call tips.

It's true that call completion is advertised with SciTE but I have
not been able to use it with Windows.

Colin W.

Joel Hedlund

Lad said:
What editor shall I use if my Python script must contain utf-8

Also, don't overlook IDLE, the IDE that ships with python. I use it in my work every day. Once every three months or so I invest a day in looking for a better free python IDE/editor, and still after 3 years or so, I still haven't found anyhing that beats it.

Good luck!

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