Assigning value

Jul 10, 2007
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Hi..Here i want to assign my output is equal to input for the next loop..

ie ..

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.mem.all;

entity FA_calc is
port( clk : std_logic;
MTmux : in std_logic_vector(width-2 downto 0);
MTdat : in std_logic_vector(width-2 downto 0);
MTout : out word2;
MTout_analyzer : out std_logic_vector(width-2 downto 0);
load : in std_logic
end FA_calc;

architecture behav of FA_calc is
signal sig_mem : word1;
signal sig_out : word3;
--signal cnt1: integer range 0 to 7 ;

--signal counter : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := "0000000000000";

--variable cnt : integer range 0 to 6720;

signal clkenable,num : std_logic;

signal wire1: std_logic;


clkdiv : process(clk,MTmux)

variable cnt: integer range 0 to 2 ;
variable cnt1: integer range 0 to 7 ;

clkenable <= '1';

if clk = '1' and clk'event then
--counter <= counter + 1;
cnt := cnt + 1;

if (cnt = 2) then
cnt1 := cnt1 +1;
case MTmux is
when "000" =>
sig_mem(0)(width-1 downto 1) <= MTdat;
when "001" =>
sig_mem(1)(width-1 downto 1) <= MTdat;
when "010" =>
sig_mem(2)(width-1 downto 1) <= MTdat;
when "011" =>
sig_mem(3)(width-1 downto 1) <= MTdat;
when "100" =>
sig_mem(4)(width-1 downto 1) <= MTdat;
when "101" =>
sig_mem(5)(width-1 downto 1) <= MTdat;
when "110" =>
sig_mem(6)(width-1 downto 1) <= MTdat;

when others =>
end case;
cnt := 0;

if (cnt1 =4) then
sig_mem(1)(0) <= load;
clkenable <= '0';
end if;

end if;
end if;
end process;

ld : process(load,clkenable,sig_mem)

if clkenable ='0' then

-- sig_mem(1)(0) <= '0';
sig_mem(1)(0) <= load;

for i in 0 to 5 loop

case sig_mem(i+1) is
when "0000" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "000";

when "0100" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "000";

when "1100" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "001";

when "1110" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "001";
wire1 <= '0';

when "0110" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "011";

when "0010" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "011";

when "1010" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "010";

when "1011" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "010";

when "0011" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "110";

when "0111" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "110";

when "1111" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "111";

when "1101" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "111";

when "0101" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "101";

when "0001" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "101";

when "1001" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "100";

when "1000" =>
sig_out(i+1)(width-2 downto 0) <= "100";

when others =>
end case;

sig_mem(i+2)(0) <= sig_out(i+1)(width-2)
end loop;

end if;
end process ld;

sig_mem(i+2)(0) <= sig_out(i+1)(width-2) :- here output of the sig_out is the input for can i make it ?? i assing like this but here its not working for me..Please help me out..


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