Displaying signals internal to the architecture part of an entity



I am trying to write a code to scan the code generated by the keyboard
through an FPGA board. The project is now in an early development
Heres the most basic process in which I try to synchronise the inputs
to the system viz. kb_clk and data to the on board 'sys_clk', the
system clk.
heres the code ive written,

Library ieee;

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity code_test_process1 is
kb_clk : IN std_logic;
data : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end code_test_process1;

architecture trial1 of code_test_process1 is
signal sys_clk : std_logic;
signal current_kbclk : std_logic;
signal current_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
if rising_edge(sys_clk) then
current_kbclk <= kb_clk;
current_data <= data;
end if;
end process;
end trial1;

the test bench file for the above program is here:
library work;
Library ieee;

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.all;

entity test_bench is
end test_bench;

architecture test of test_bench is
signal kb_clk,sys_clk : std_logic;
signal data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
component code_test_process1 is
kb_clk : IN std_logic;
data : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component code_test_process1;
for all:code_test_process1 use entity
P1:code_test_process1 port map(kb_clk => kb_clk,data =>
data <= X"10" after 100 ns,X"08" after 200
ns,X"A2" after 300 ns,X"2F" after 400 ns,X"11" after 500 ns,X"3C" after
600 ns;
sys_clk <= '1' after 150 ns,'0' after 250 ns,'1'
after 420 ns,'0' after 475 ns,'1' after 550 ns,'1' after 570 ns;
kb_clk <= '1' after 50 ns,'0' after 100 ns,'1'
after 150 ns,'0' after 200 ns,'1' after 250 ns,'0' after 300 ns,'1'
after 350 ns,'0' after 400 ns,'1' after 450 ns,'0' after 500 ns,'1'
after 550 ns,'0' after 600 ns;

end process;
end test;

What I don't understand now is how do I display the contents of the
signals current_kbclk and current_data which are internal to the entity
code_test_process1 so that I may check if the inputs are sampled only
at sys_clk or not. How do I display those signals as well on the wave?

Best Regards,
Aijaz Baig.

Frank Buss

data <= X"10" after 100 ns,X"08" after 200
ns,X"A2" after 300 ns,X"2F" after 400 ns,X"11" after 500 ns,X"3C" after
600 ns;
sys_clk <= '1' after 150 ns,'0' after 250 ns,'1'
after 420 ns,'0' after 475 ns,'1' after 550 ns,'1' after 570 ns;
kb_clk <= '1' after 50 ns,'0' after 100 ns,'1'
after 150 ns,'0' after 200 ns,'1' after 250 ns,'0' after 300 ns,'1'
after 350 ns,'0' after 400 ns,'1' after 450 ns,'0' after 500 ns,'1'
after 550 ns,'0' after 600 ns;

You could simplify this, e.g. for a test bench for the 1-wire protocol of
http://www.frank-buss.de/vhdl/spartan3e.html I've used a loop:

constant rom_test: unsigned(63 downto 0) := x"cf000000e4ec2933";
test_loop: process
variable rom: unsigned(63 downto 0);
-- simulate ROM result
rom := rom_test;
for j in 1 to 64 loop
wait until ds_wire = '0';
wait until ds_wire = 'Z';
if rom(0) = '0' then
ds_wire <= '0';
wait for 30 us;
ds_wire <= 'Z';
wait for 1 us;
end if;
rom := shift_right(rom, 1);
end loop;
What I don't understand now is how do I display the contents of the
signals current_kbclk and current_data which are internal to the entity
code_test_process1 so that I may check if the inputs are sampled only
at sys_clk or not. How do I display those signals as well on the wave?

This depends on the program you are using. With ActiveHDL you simply
drag-and-drop all signals to the wave form window, including internal
signals from sub entities.


I was able to add those two signals to the wave window by using the
command line version command
add wave/test_bench/p1/* which adds all the signals within the
component instantiation P1. Now I seem to have a different problem. In
my test_bench entity(i.e. in the architecture part) I have made sys_clk
work like a clock for a specified period of time. It isn't showing up
on the wave window when I simulate for about 600 ns.
Only the signals data and kb_clk seem to get updated with some values.
Not even sys_clk gets updated with the values I supplied.
Would you let me know where am I going wrong here.

Frank Buss

Now I seem to have a different problem. In
my test_bench entity(i.e. in the architecture part) I have made sys_clk
work like a clock for a specified period of time. It isn't showing up
on the wave window when I simulate for about 600 ns.

Again, the solution depends on the software you are using. In ActiveHDL I
can define a clock stimuli in the wave window for every signal. With ISE
WebPack I didn't found a way how to add a stimuli. But my test bench, and
maybe yours, works in both programs with this additional process:

update_clock: process
while true loop
clk <= not clk;
wait for 10 ns;
end loop;
end process;

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