VHDL help.




I am new to VHDL. Few days back I have bought FPGA development kit.
With the kit I got few VHDL sample programs. I thought to use the
sample program instead of writing my own. The below program reads
image from SDRAM and send it to the VGA generator. What I want to do
is to check the pixel read from the SDRAM, if it exceeds a threshold
then it should be considered white, and if it doesn't exceed it should
be considered black.
I tried using if statement, but during synthesize of the code I got
if(pixel="00000001") then
pixel := "00000000";
else pixel := "11111111";

I would really appreciate if some one can help me out.


-- This design reads an image from SDRAM and displays it on a VGA

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use work.vga_pckg.all;
use work.xsasdram_ppintfc_pckg.all;
use work.common.all;

entity test_vga is
SDRAM_NROWS : natural := 8192; -- 4096 for XSA-50,
XSA-100; 8192 for XSA-200, XSA-3S1000
SDRAM_NCOLS : natural := 512; -- 256 for XSA-50; 512
for XSA-100, XSA-200, XSA-3S1000
DATA_WIDTH : natural := 16; -- SDRAM databus width
SADDR_WIDTH : natural := 13; -- # of SDRAM address bits
HADDR_WIDTH : natural := 24; -- host-side address width
FREQ : natural := 100_000; -- 50 MHz for XSA-50,
XSA-100; 100 MHz for XSA-200, XSA-3S1000
CLK_DIV : natural := 2; -- pixel clock = FREQ /
PIXEL_WIDTH : natural := 8; -- width of a pixel in
NUM_RGB_BITS : natural := 3; -- #bits in each R,G,B
component of a pixel
PIXELS_PER_LINE : natural := 800; -- width of image in
LINES_PER_FRAME : natural := 600; -- height of image in
FIT_TO_SCREEN : boolean := true -- adapt video timing to
fit image width x height
rst_n : in std_logic; -- reset
clk : in std_logic; -- master clock (frequency set
by FREQ)
vsync_n : out std_logic; -- VGA vertical sync
hsync_n : out std_logic; -- VGA horizontal sync
red : out std_logic_vector(NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto
0); -- VGA red signals
green : out std_logic_vector(NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto
0); -- VGA green signals
blue : out std_logic_vector(NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto
0); -- VGA blue signals
-- parallel port I/O
ppd : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- parallel
port data
pps : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 3); -- parallel
port status
sclkfb : in std_logic; -- clock from SDRAM after PCB
sclk : out std_logic; -- SDRAM clock sync'ed to
master clock
cke : out std_logic; -- clock-enable to SDRAM
cs_n : out std_logic; -- chip-select to SDRAM
ras_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM row address strobe
cas_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM column address strobe
we_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM write enable
ba : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- SDRAM
bank address bits
sAddr : out std_logic_vector(SADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- SDRAM row/column address
sData : inout std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- SDRAM in/out databus
dqmh : out std_logic; -- high databits I/O mask
dqml : out std_logic -- low databits I/O mask
end entity;

architecture arch of test_vga is

signal clk1x : std_logic; -- sync'ed clock from SDRAM
signal rst : std_logic; -- reset signal
signal eof : std_logic; -- end-of-frame signal from
VGA controller
signal earlyOpBegun : std_logic; -- indicates when an SDRAM
read operation has begun
signal rdDone : std_logic; -- indicates when data read
from the SDRAM is available
signal full, full_n : std_logic; -- indicates when the VGA
pixel buffer is full
signal address : std_logic_vector(HADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --
SDRAM address counter
signal pixel : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --
pixel values from SDRAM


rst <= not rst_n;

-- update the SDRAM address counter
if rising_edge(clk1x) then
if eof = YES then
address <= std_logic_vector(TO_UNSIGNED(0, address'length));
-- reset the address at the end of a video frame
elsif earlyOpBegun = YES then
address <= address + 1; -- go to the next address once
the read of the current address has begun
end if;
end if;
end process;

-- XSA SDRAM controller used to get pixel data from the external
u0 : XSASDRAMCntl_ppintfc
generic map(
PIPE_EN => true, -- use pipelining for maximum
MAX_NOP => 1000000, -- disable self-refresh since
it takes too long to re-awaken the SDRAM with video timing
port map(
-- parallel port interface
ppd => ppd,
pps => pps,
-- host side
clk => clk, -- master clock
clk1x => clk1x, -- master clock resync'ed to
account for delays to external SDRAM
rst => rst,
rd => full_n, -- initiate a read when the
VGA pixel buffer is not full
hAddr => address, -- the address to read from is
stored in the address counter
earlyOpBegun => earlyOpBegun, -- indicate when the read
operation has actually begun
rdDone => rdDone, -- indicate when the data from
the read operation is available
hDOut => pixel, -- this is the pixel data that
was read from the SDRAM
wr => '0', -- no SDRAM writing is needed
in this application
hDIn => std_logic_vector(TO_UNSIGNED(0, DATA_WIDTH)),
-- set the SDRAM write-data bus to zeroes
-- SDRAM side
sclkfb => sclkfb,
sclk => sclk,
cke => cke,
cs_n => cs_n,
ras_n => ras_n,
cas_n => cas_n,
we_n => we_n,
ba => ba,
sAddr => sAddr,
sData => sData,
dqmh => dqmh,
dqml => dqml

-- VGA generator
u1 : vga
generic map (
port map (
rst => rst,
clk => clk1x, -- use the resync'ed master
clock so VGA generator is in sync with SDRAM
wr => rdDone, -- write to pixel buffer when
the data read from SDRAM is available
pixel_data_in => pixel, -- pixel data from SDRAM
full => full, -- indicates when the pixel
buffer is full
eof => eof, -- indicates when the VGA
generator has finished a video frame
r => red, -- RGB components
g => green,
b => blue,
hsync_n => hsync_n, -- horizontal sync
vsync_n => vsync_n, -- vertical sync
blank => open
full_n <= not full; -- negate the full signal for
use in controlling the SDRAM read operation

end arch;

Enes Erdin

pixel is not a variable. The "pixel" you want should be a signal. Also
this is a different threshold method you are using. Should it be
greater comparison or something else? I would do that :

signal pixel_vga : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
pixel_vga <= "11111111" when pixel < {threshold} else "00000000";
u1 : vga port map(
pixel => pixel_vga,
Have a nice synthesis

Enes Erdin

pixel is not a variable. The "pixel" you want should be a signal. Also
this is a different threshold method you are using. Should it be
greater comparison or something else? I would do that :

signal pixel_vga : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
pixel_vga <= "11111111" when pixel < {threshold} else "00000000";
u1 : vga port map(
pixel => pixel_vga,
Have a nice synthesis

pixel => pixel_vga,
a little mistake, it should be

pixel_data_in => pixel_vga,


-- This design reads an image from SDRAM and displays it on a VGA

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

First off, std_logic_unsigned and numeric_std shouldnt be used
together in the same design unit. Id recommend you use numeric_std
instead. You have already mixed the two in the process you have, so
assuming you only use numeric_std, you need to change your process to
look like this:
-- update the SDRAM address counter
if rising_edge(clk1x) then
if eof = YES then
address <= std_logic_vector(TO_UNSIGNED(0, address'length));-- reset the address at the end of a video frame
elsif earlyOpBegun = YES then
address <= std_logic_vector( unsigned(address) + 1 ); -- go to the next address oncthe read of the current address has begun
end if;
end if;
end process;

I also notice you have 16 bit pixel reads, I assume this is 422 YCbCr
data? for a standard adc/dac the full range is not used, and 0xFF and
0x00 are used for timing signals, so dont set your pixel output to
0xFF or 0x00 or you'll upset the DAC. I see though that you're
converting to VGA. Because of the threshold values in standard PAL/
NTSC (white = 0xF0, black = 0x10, with the C componenets being 0x80
which is neutral colour) a RGB colour conversion should take this
offset into account assuming a computer monitor (often they like the
full 0 - 255 RGB values), otherwise normal screens that take RGB will
probably settle with the standard range 16-240.

to get your pixel within a certain threshold:

--Assume Chrom part of the pixel is MSB to middle
constant WHITE : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0) := x"80F0";
constant BLACK : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0) := x"8010";
constant Y_HIGH : unsigned( 7 downto 0) := x"70";
constant Y_LOW : unsigned( 7 downto 0) := x"20";

signal pix_from_mem : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0);
signal pix_from_mem_y : unsigned( 7 downto 0);
siganl pix_clipped : std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0);

pix_from_mem_y <= unsigned( pix_from_mem(7 downto 0) );

pix_clipped <= WHITE when ( pix_from_mem_y > Y_HIGH)
else BLACK when ( pix_from_mem_y < Y_LOW)
else pix_from_mem;

Of course you may need to register this and delay your other signals


Ok whoopsy - it appears I have misunderstood the design. Doesnt look
like its PAL or NTSC at all.

anyway, you can still do the clipping in a similar way. you probably
dont need to worry about what range to use. Looks like its full range
0-255. I dont understand the deafault of only 3 bits per RGB pixels

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