when and how do you use Self?

  • Thread starter Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD
  • Start date

Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD

I am new to python,

Could someone explain (in English) how and when to use self?

I have been reading, and haven't found a good example/explanation

Bruce Tieche ([email protected])

Chris Cioffi

As a point of style: the 'other' identifier should only be used in
Zen Metaclass programming as an implicit reference to the calling
object or as a list of references to all other instances of the class.
Context will make it both clear and obvious which use case is

Dan Sommers

As a point of style: the 'other' identifier should only be used in
Zen Metaclass programming as an implicit reference to the calling
object or as a list of references to all other instances of the class.
Context will make it both clear and obvious which use case is desired.

Can I use the 'other' identifier in, e.g., an __add__ method?

Please? ;-)


bruno at modulix

Chris Cioffi wrote:
as a point of style, top-posting is a Bad Thing(tm)
As a point of style: the 'other' identifier should only be used in
Zen Metaclass programming as an implicit reference to the calling
object or as a list of references to all other instances of the class.

As a point of style, if it refers to a list, it should be 'others' and
not 'other'.

Also, this was supposed to be a joke. I can well understand that my sens
of humour is somewhat disastrous and that this was not a _good_ joke,
but "context should have made both clear and obvious" that it was one.
Context will make it both clear and obvious which use case is

import this

Steven D'Aprano

Are you seriously wondering if I am serious ?

Well, you are either serious, or you're guilty of giving extremely bad
advice to a newbie who will probably have even less ability to recognise
an in-joke than I do.

Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
Well, you are either serious, or you're guilty of giving extremely bad
advice to a newbie who will probably have even less ability to recognise
an in-joke than I do.

Guilty. I thought the pun would be obvious (even if very bad).

Alex Martelli

Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD said:
I am new to python,
Could someone explain (in English) how and when to use self?

A class's methods use 'self' to refer to the object (instance of the
class) they're being called on; mostly, they access (get or set)
attributes on self, and/or call other methods on self.

I hope that's English enough for you. Here's a simple example:

class Struggle(object):
def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
def __str__(self): return 'Struggle(%r)' % self.value

Class Struggle has two (special) methods, an initializer and a
transformer to string. Each uses 'self' to refer to the instance on
which it's being called -- specifically, to set or get the 'value'
attribute. So, when I code:

x = Struggle(23)
print x

I obtain the output:


In this case, the 'self' inside each method refers to the same object to
which the name 'x' refers ``on the outside''.


Tony Nelson


Ron Adam

Tieche said:
I am new to python,

Could someone explain (in English) how and when to use self?

I have been reading, and haven't found a good example/explanation

Bruce Tieche ([email protected])

Hi, Sometimes it's hard to get a simple answer to programming questions
as everyone sees different parts of the elephant. ;-)

The use of self is needed because methods in class's are shared between
all the instances (objects created from class's). Because of this
sharing, each method in a class needs a name to receive the specific
instance reference which called it.

If every instance had it's own copy of all the methods in a class, we
might not need 'self', but our programs would become extreme memory
hogs. So sharing code is the great benefit of class's.

For example...

class myclass(object):
def foo(self, a, b):
self.c = a + b

The method foo is defined but not executed until it is called later from
an instance. It's located in the class, but may be called from a lot,
(thousands or more), different instances made from this class.

bar = myclass() # create a single instance (object)
# and bind it to the name bar.

Then when you do...

bar.foo(1,2) # converted to -> myclass(bar, 1, 2)

It calls the 'foo' method located in the parent class and pass's a
reference to 'bar' as the first argument. 'self' becomes the new name
for bar within foo.

self.c = a + b # same as -> bar.c = a + b

This should be enough to visualize the basic relationship. Hope it helped.


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