
I NEED THE WHOLE PROCE Design and Implementation of a 4-bit ALU

The purpose is:
To design a 4-bit ALU
To implement the ALU on a FPGA
To experimentally check the operation of the ALU
Problem Statement:
An Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is a combinational circuit that
performs logic and arithmetic micro-operations on a pair of n-bit
operands (ex. A[3:0] and B[3:0]). The operations performed by an ALU
are controlled by a set of function-select inputs. In this lab you will
design a 4-bit ALU with 3 function-select inputs: Mode M, Select S1 and
S0 inputs. The mode input M selects between a Logic (M=1) and
Arithmetic (M=0) operation. A block diagram is given in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Block diagram of the 4-bit ALU

The functions performed by the ALU are specified in Table I.

Table 1: Functions of ALU
M = 1 Logic
1 1 X (AiBi )' NAND
1 0 X (Ai + Bi )' NOR
0 0 X AiÅ Bi XOR
0 1 X (AiÅ Bi)' XNOR
M = 0 Arithmetic
1 1 1 A Transfer A
1 1 0 A + 1 Increment A by 1
1 0 0 A + B Add A and B
1 0 1 A + B + 1 Increment the sum of A and B by 1
0 1 0 A + B' A plus one's complement of B
0 1 1 A - B Subtract B from A (i.e. B' + A + 1)
0 0 1 A' + B B plus one's complement of A
0 0 0 B - A B minus A (or A' + B + 1)

Design strategies
designing the ALU we will follow the principle "Divide and Conquer" in
order to use a modular design that consists of smaller, more manageable
blocks, some of which can be re-used.

There are different ways to design the ALU. One method
consists of writing the truth table for the each bit of the ALU. For
each bit this table has 6 inputs (M, S1, S0, C0, Ai and Bi) and two
outputs Fi and Ci+1 . This can be done but may be tedious when it has
to be done by hand.
An alternative way is to split the ALU into two modules, one Logic and
one Arithmetic module. Designing each module separately will be easier.
A possible block diagram of the ALU is shown in Figure 2. It consists
of three modules: 4-bit 2:1 MUX, a Logic unit and an Arithmetic unit.SS

David Ashley

coldplay112 said:
I NEED THE WHOLE PROCE Design and Implementation of a 4-bit ALU

The purpose is:
To design a 4-bit ALU
To implement the ALU on a FPGA
To experimentally check the operation of the ALU
Problem Statement:
An Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is a combinational circuit that
performs logic and arithmetic micro-operations on a pair of n-bit
operands (ex. A[3:0] and B[3:0]). The operations performed by an ALU
are controlled by a set of function-select inputs. In this lab you will
design a 4-bit ALU with 3 function-select inputs: Mode M, Select S1 and
S0 inputs. The mode input M selects between a Logic (M=1) and
Arithmetic (M=0) operation. A block diagram is given in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Block diagram of the 4-bit ALU

The functions performed by the ALU are specified in Table I.

Table 1: Functions of ALU
M = 1 Logic
1 1 X (AiBi )' NAND
1 0 X (Ai + Bi )' NOR
0 0 X AiÅ Bi XOR
0 1 X (AiÅ Bi)' XNOR
M = 0 Arithmetic
1 1 1 A Transfer A
1 1 0 A + 1 Increment A by 1
1 0 0 A + B Add A and B
1 0 1 A + B + 1 Increment the sum of A and B by 1
0 1 0 A + B' A plus one's complement of B
0 1 1 A - B Subtract B from A (i.e. B' + A + 1)
0 0 1 A' + B B plus one's complement of A
0 0 0 B - A B minus A (or A' + B + 1)

Design strategies
designing the ALU we will follow the principle "Divide and Conquer" in
order to use a modular design that consists of smaller, more manageable
blocks, some of which can be re-used.

There are different ways to design the ALU. One method
consists of writing the truth table for the each bit of the ALU. For
each bit this table has 6 inputs (M, S1, S0, C0, Ai and Bi) and two
outputs Fi and Ci+1 . This can be done but may be tedious when it has
to be done by hand.
An alternative way is to split the ALU into two modules, one Logic and
one Arithmetic module. Designing each module separately will be easier.
A possible block diagram of the ALU is shown in Figure 2. It consists
of three modules: 4-bit 2:1 MUX, a Logic unit and an Arithmetic unit.SS

Kids these days...


Nicolas Matringe

Pascal Peyremorte a écrit :
New deal :
- with the statement of the exercise above, find the book and the school
from where it comes !

Great, Pascal ! You found the fun inside these boring "do my homework"
posts ;o)

And if only he could stop shouting his requests ...


Paul Uiterlinden

Nicolas said:
Pascal Peyremorte a écrit :

I found two links: one written in 2001 (the first), one written in
2002 (the second): cmpe100/Fall02/Labs/Experiment4.pdf

The second says that some parts are taken from the first.
Great, Pascal ! You found the fun inside these boring "do my
homework" posts ;o)

The interesting question now is: does the writer of the course that
the OP is reading give credits to one of the original texts, or has
*he* not done his homework? ;-)

David Ashley

Paul said:
Nicolas Matringe wrote:

I found two links: one written in 2001 (the first), one written in
2002 (the second): cmpe100/Fall02/Labs/Experiment4.pdf

The second says that some parts are taken from the first.

The interesting question now is: does the writer of the course that
the OP is reading give credits to one of the original texts, or has
*he* not done his homework? ;-)

Wow, that's funny. The instructor doesn't come up with his/her own
course material, (s)he just does internet searches and finds
the stuff online + packages it up. So the students find the matching
answers online.

Pretty soon we'll be seeing instructors asking us to grade their
students' submissions. This is like an apathy arms race -- which
side can do less work.


Paul Uiterlinden

David Ashley wrote:
Wow, that's funny. The instructor doesn't come up with his/her own
course material, (s)he just does internet searches and finds
the stuff online + packages it up. So the students find the matching
answers online.

Pretty soon we'll be seeing instructors asking us to grade their
students' submissions. This is like an apathy arms race -- which
side can do less work.

And guess who will be doing all the real work before soon.
It's you and me! ;-)

Frank Buss

Paul said:
I found two links: one written in 2001 (the first), one written in
2002 (the second): cmpe100/Fall02/Labs/Experiment4.pdf

The second says that some parts are taken from the first.

Looks like it's not the same excersise, because in the OP article, there is
an additional NOR and the LED output is missing, which makes it even more
boring. Maybe the instructor took a look in the TTL series. dicovered the
74181 and thought this would be a good idea, because it is not too
difficult, but could be a basic building block of a CPU, like all other TTL
ICs. But the OP shows, that some students are overstrained with such simple
task, so more interesting projects are not possible.

If a static design without a clock is required (because it is easier),
maybe something less abstract would be useful? Like "you are designing an
alarm equipment. There are 4 alarm source. If more than one alarm source is
1, the alarm should be signalled. Alarm signaling should be inhibited by
another input, a single numeric digit, 4 bits BCD encoded, and one bit, if
a key unlocks the system...". I'm sure it is possible to design such a
task, where the student learns as much about the basic logic elements and
how to combine it as with an ALU. And if flipflops are allowed, it would be
even more interesting.


+++I found two links: one written in 2001 (the first), one written in
+++2002 (the second):
+++ cmpe100/Fall02/Labs/Experiment4.pdf
+++The second says that some parts are taken from the first.

I thought the diagrams looked familiar. Since one reference was

1. M. Mano and C. Kime, "Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals", 2nd
Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001.

I bet the instructor took a lot from that text. Besides it looks a lot
like the ALU from my hardware text by Morris Mano from 1994. There
Mano describes the blocks of an ALU in very good detail. Then again
from most student's comments on Mano's text books are horrible. Maybe
it is due to those students that want their degrees handed to them on
a silver platter. Maybe he makes them read and reread to understand
what hardware design is all about.

oh well



+++> Ought to look at Morris Mano text book and maybe he can find a
+++> solution for his homework.
+++Why bother doing homework?

If he has the ability to read and access to a library that has
"Computer Engineering: Hardware Design" by Morrris Mano then he will
have the logic for a four bit ALU that does all what his instructor
wants. I mean even a beginner in VHDL should be able to define the
gates and instantiate the whole thing in a weekend. Then again that
might interfere with the keg and pool party.

Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
I have read the post and it seems students being lazy instead of working hard to comprehend the subject is a similar attitude to you guys being smug, overconfident, obnoxious people instead of offering any actual help such as directing the student to an easy to understand source or at least listing the prerequisites and the order they should be learned.

excuse any grammar mistakes for I am fairly new to this language.

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