Hello website



Good morning everyone,
I have a question, and would appreciate it if someone could help me
I have a website that I created and have already placed tags on it
with words. But when i do a google search it it appears on say for
example page 3-4 and not on the first page.
Is there a way that if i do a search for my website that it shows up
on page 1 , if not all the time but at least for a limited time so
that people see it more often.


Jonathan N. Little

Good morning everyone,

Yes it's morning in USA but the newsgroup is not restricted to the USA ;-)
I have a question, and would appreciate it if someone could help me
I have a website that I created and have already placed tags on it
with words. But when i do a google search it it appears on say for
example page 3-4 and not on the first page.
Is there a way that if i do a search for my website that it shows up
on page 1 , if not all the time but at least for a limited time so
that people see it more often.

Not really*, nor would you really want to. If the user uses terms that
best matches a specific page within your website why would you want to
place impediments to what he wishes to see? Can an author prevent
someone from cracking open a book and start reading from page 53?

*well frames does this and it is one of the reasons frames suck...

Irina Rempt

(e-mail address removed) wrote:

Not really*, nor would you really want to. If the user uses terms that
best matches a specific page within your website why would you want to
place impediments to what he wishes to see? Can an author prevent
someone from cracking open a book and start reading from page 53?

No, I think the OP wants the website to appear on the first link of the
Google results, and tweak it so that it does. Can't help there, I'm
afraid, I seem to have the opposite problem (site often appearing on first
page of Google results for a *completely irrelevant search*) .


Jonathan N. Little

Irina said:
No, I think the OP wants the website to appear on the first link of the
Google results, and tweak it so that it does. Can't help there,

On rereading I think your are correct...wow! How communication skills
have deteriorated... I don't think English as a second language is a
play here...

To OP:

Work for Google! No, seriously by having really good, on-topic content
in with markup that does not hamper access or indexing spiders...
afraid, I seem to have the opposite problem (site often appearing on first
page of Google results for a *completely irrelevant search*) .

Not sure that would be too much of a problem, might pique interest of
some that were not specifically looking for you...serendipity can be


On rereading I think your are correct...wow! How communication skills
have deteriorated... I don't think English as a second language is a
play here...

If it makes you feel any better, I interpreted it as you did at

Jonathan N. Little

Fate, never criticize writing skills! s/your/you/
If it makes you feel any better, I interpreted it as you did at

Well now I am not sure <shrugs> either way I think we have the answer

Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed (e-mail address removed) writing in
Good morning everyone,
I have a question, and would appreciate it if someone could help me
I have a website that I created and have already placed tags on it
with words. But when i do a google search it it appears on say for
example page 3-4 and not on the first page.
Is there a way that if i do a search for my website that it shows up
on page 1 , if not all the time but at least for a limited time so
that people see it more often.


1. Content - a page made from one big image will not do well
2. Clean markup
3. Title element must have keywords relavent to that particular page
4. Good use of heading elements, particularly the h1 element. Again,
should reflect the content of the page
5. Good description meta element, again relavent to the page.
6. Incoming links from other websites, the more popular the better.
7. Site map is also a good idea if the site has a more than a few pages.


Fate, never criticize writing skills! s/your/you/

Well now I am not sure <shrugs> either way I think we have the answer

Er, I should have said: at first I interpreted it as you did (...meaning I
agree with Ms. Rempt.)

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