help to input array



hi friends
i have written a program to search a no. in an arrray & get the result
in form of apulse going high or low,but
given no is compared with only the last value & desired output is not
my basic problem is to input an array directly to input port.also if
somebody can give some example program or tips about reading & writing
files in vhdl. i m using modelsim.
i have written the code & test bench for the code for refrene.
ashwani anand

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
package my is
type arec is array (0 to 49 ) of integer range 0 to 50 ;
type inst is record
ary : arec ;

end record ;
end my ;

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use .all ;

entity rec is

port( a : in inst ;
b : in integer range 0 to 55 ;
o : out std_logic );
end rec ;

architecture a of rec is
process (a,b)

-- variable q : integer range 0 to 55 ;
-- variable p : integer range 0 to 50 ;


for i in 0 to 49 loop

-- p := b ;

--q := a.ary(i) ;

if (b = a.ary(i)) then

o <= '1' ;


o <= '0' ;

end if ;
end loop ;
end process ;
end a ;


library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;

package my is
type arec is array (0 to 49 ) of integer range 0 to 50 ;
type inst is record
ary : arec ;

end record ;
end my ;

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use .all ;

entity tb_rec is
end ;

architecture a of tb_rec is

component rec

port ( a : in inst ;
b : in integer range 0 to 50 ;
o : out std_logic );

end component ;

signal o : std_logic ;
signal a : inst ;
signal b : integer range 0 to 55 ;


U1 : rec port map (a =>a,b =>b , o =>o );


variable t : integer range 0 to 55;
variable q : integer range 0 to 55;

wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 50 ;
wait for 10 ns ;

t := 1 ;

for i in 0 to 49 loop

a.ary(i) <= t ;

t := t + 1 ;

if (t = 51 ) then

t := 0 ;
wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 52 ;
wait for 10 ns ;

wait for 10 ns ;
b <= 23 ;
wait for 10 ns ;

end if ;
end loop ;

end process ;

end a;

result of this program is a pulse high for 23 & 50 low for 52 but it is
remaning high for 50 only which is last value stored in array.


The lack of formatting makes it very difficult to read, but it appears
as if the problem comes from the fact that the last signal assignment
in a process wins, so o can only be '1' when b = a.ary(49).

Using a default signal assigment might work...

o <= '0' ;

for i in 0 to 49 loop
if (b = a.ary(i)) then
o <= '1' ;
end if ;
end loop ;

This assumes that a parallel comparison is what is desired, and
hopefully there's a clock outside of this process somewhere that is
clocking the inputs and outputs of this process.

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