"Port 'input' is not constrained" ModelSim error




I'm trying to simulate asynchronous dual-rail latch that I wrote. I
created following test bench (only part of test bench architecture):

architecture behavior of test_latch is

component latch is
port (
ack_o: in std_logic;
ack_i: out std_logic;
input : in dual_rail_vector(2 downto 0);
output : out dual_rail_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;

signal uut_input, uut_output : dual_rail_vector(2 downto 0);
signal uut_ack_o, uut_ack_i : std_logic;


UUT : latch
port map (
ack_o => uut_ack_o,
ack_i => uut_ack_i,
input => uut_input,
output => uut_output

and I get "Port 'input' is not constrained" ModelSim error. In fact,
latch entity has input and output ports unconstrained, i.e.

entity latch is
port (
ack_o: in std_logic;
ack_i: out std_logic;
input : in dual_rail_vector;
output : out dual_rail_vector

When I make an assignment input => uut_input in my test bench (input
unconstrained, uut_input constrained (2 downto 0) ) doesn't it make the
input itself constrained? I thought it does.

How to solve it? Is it necessary to use generic width for all components
and get rid of unconstrained inputs/outputs?


Jonathan Bromley

When I make an assignment input => uut_input in my test bench (input
unconstrained, uut_input constrained (2 downto 0) ) doesn't it make the
input itself constrained? I thought it does.

That's curious. "input" is constrained in any case, because you
declared it to have the constraint (2 downto 0) on the component.
How to solve it?

Can you show us the declaration of "dual_rail_vector"?
Also, are you 100% sure the error relates to the
code you posted, and not to something else? What
is the exact error message?



I'm trying to simulate asynchronous dual-rail latch that I wrote. I
created following test bench (only part of test bench architecture):

and I get "Port 'input' is not constrained" ModelSim error. In fact,
latch entity has input and output ports unconstrained, i.e.

I don't get any error. Works just fine in Modelsim 6.4.
How to solve it? Is it necessary to use generic width for all components
and get rid of unconstrained inputs/outputs?

You're apparently not posting the code that actually has the error.
See below for code that compiles and simulates just fine. The only
thing I added to what you had was a package to define your custom type
'dual_rail_vector' since you didn't have it in your posted code.


---- Start of code ----
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package pkg_latch is
alias dual_rail_vector is std_logic_vector;
end pkg_latch;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.pkg_latch.dual_rail_vector;
entity latch is
port (
ack_o: in std_logic;
ack_i: out std_logic;
input : in dual_rail_vector;
output : out dual_rail_vector

architecture rtl of latch is
end rtl;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.pkg_latch.dual_rail_vector;

entity test_latch is
end test_latch;

architecture behavior of test_latch is
component latch is
port (
ack_o: in std_logic;
ack_i: out std_logic;
input : in dual_rail_vector(2 downto 0);
output : out dual_rail_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;

signal uut_input, uut_output : dual_rail_vector(2 downto 0);
signal uut_ack_o, uut_ack_i : std_logic;
UUT : latch
port map (
ack_o => uut_ack_o,
ack_i => uut_ack_i,
input => uut_input,
output => uut_output
end behavior;
---- End of code ----


Thanks to Jonathan and KJ. After some time I finally figured out what
was wrong. In Xilinx ISE Project Navigator I didn't select test_latch
entity but uut instance of latch in test_latch and thus ModelSim
attempted to simulate the latch entity from latch.vhd and not test_latch
entity. This obviously resulted in the error I mentioned.

I have one more question regarding data types. For the moment in my
package I have defined following:

type dr is ( 'E', '0', '1', 'X' );
type dr_vector is array ( natural range <> ) of dr;

subtype dual_rail is std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
type dual_rail_vector is array ( natural range <> ) of dual_rail;

type tab_to_dualrail is array ( dr ) of dual_rail;
constant to_dualrail : tab_to_dualrail := ( "00", "01", "10", "11" );
function to_dualrailvector ( arg : dr_vector ) return dual_rail_vector;

I use dual_rail and dual_rail_vector types in the project because it
allows me to connect/manipulate both wires separetely. I use dr and
dr_vector only in test benches to make signal assignment easier, e.g.
input <= "E0E" which results in input <= ( "00", "01", "00" );
However, I would like to know whether it would be possible to use dr and
dr_vector and still be able to access both wires.

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