Help using generate statement




Can someone please tell me that if I declare a signal inside generate statement then whether that signal gets replicated a number of times that is dictated by the generate statement? Please take a look at the following example which is a portion of a code available online

rounds: for i in 0 to 2 ** DEPTH - 1 generate
signal round_k : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal round_w : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
signal round_s : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
round_k <= K(i * 2 ** (6 - DEPTH) + conv_integer(step));
round_w <= w(i) when step = "000000" else w(i + 1);
round_s <= s(i) when step = "000000" else s(i + 1);

transform: sha256_transform
port map (
clk => clk,
w_in => round_w,
w_out => w(i + 1),
s_in => round_s,
s_out => s(i + 1),
k => round_k
end generate;

So do the signals round_k, round_w and round_s get replicated 2 ** DEPTH - 1 times? Also does the component sha56_transform get replicated 2 ** DEPTH - 1 times?

Thank you,

Best Regards


So do the signals round_k, round_w and round_s get replicated 2 ** DEPTH - 1
times? Also does the component sha56_transform get replicated 2 ** DEPTH - 1
Yes to both questions

Kevin Jennings

Paul Uiterlinden


Can someone please tell me that if I declare a signal inside generate
statement then whether that signal gets replicated a number of times that
is dictated by the generate statement?

Yes, they are.
Please take a look at the following
example which is a portion of a code available online

rounds: for i in 0 to 2 ** DEPTH - 1 generate
signal round_k : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal round_w : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
signal round_s : std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
round_k <= K(i * 2 ** (6 - DEPTH) + conv_integer(step));
round_w <= w(i) when step = "000000" else w(i + 1);
round_s <= s(i) when step = "000000" else s(i + 1);

transform: sha256_transform
port map (
clk => clk,
w_in => round_w,
w_out => w(i + 1),
s_in => round_s,
s_out => s(i + 1),
k => round_k
end generate;

So do the signals round_k, round_w and round_s get replicated 2 ** DEPTH -
1 times?

Yes, they are.
Also does the component sha56_transform get replicated 2 ** DEPTH
- 1 times?

Yes, that's what the generate statement is all about.

And to be precise: the component gets instantiated 2 ** DEPTH times (so
without "- 1").


Thank you very much for your replies. Actually round_w, round_k and round_sdo not have indices as round_w(i), round_k(i) and round_s(i) as usually the signals that are replicated under generate statements have but I think asyou said the signals will be replicated as they are declared under generate statement, they will be interpreted as round_w(i), round_k(i) and round_s(i) while implementing. Correct if I am wromg.

Thanks again,
Best Regards

Paul Uiterlinden

Thank you very much for your replies. Actually round_w, round_k and
round_s do not have indices as round_w(i), round_k(i) and round_s(i) as
usually the signals that are replicated under generate statements have but
I think as you said the signals will be replicated as they are declared
under generate statement, they will be interpreted as round_w(i),
round_k(i) and round_s(i) while implementing. Correct if I am wromg.

The signals are local for each generate iteration. Just as variables are
local to processes or subprograms, or signals declared in block statements.
They can be declared multiple times with the same name, because they live
in different scopes and don't see each other. The same goes for signals
declared in a generate loop.

How it is implemented, in don't know or care. As long as it follows the
rules of the Language Reference Manual.

Speaking of which, the LRM (2002 in this case) reads:

"Elaboration of a generate statement consists of the replacement of the
generate statement with zero or more copies of a block statement whose
declarative part consists of the declarative items contained within the
generate statement and whose statement part consists of the concurrent
statements contained within the generate statement. These block statements
are said to be represented by the generate statement. Each block statement
is then elaborated."

Example, also from the LRM:

-- The following generate statement:

LABL : for I in 1 to 2 generate
signal s1 : INTEGER;
s1 <= p1;
Inst1 : and_gate port map (s1, p2(I), p3);
end generate LABL;

-- is equivalent to the following two block statements:

LABL : block
constant I : INTEGER := 1;
signal s1 : INTEGER;
s1 <= p1;
Inst1 : and_gate port map (s1, p2(I), p3);
end block LABL;

LABL : block
constant I : INTEGER := 2;
signal s1 : INTEGER;
s1 <= p1;
Inst1 : and_gate port map (s1, p2(I), p3);
end block LABL;

I hope this answers your questions.

Now that I look at the above example, I would not expect it to be allowed to
use the same label for the two block statements...

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