VHDL Novice - Error in code

Jan 31, 2011
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Hi all,

I compiled a code and I'm getting an error that I just can't figure out after reading and searching to try and understand the signal statement to find what's wrong.

Here's the part of the code that the compiler has a problem with:

signal pulse: bit;
signal Q: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);

The compiler highlights "signal" in the first line and says it's "Not a concurrent statement."

If you need more of the code to understand what's happening before and after, please let me know and I'll get that on here asap.

Thanks much!
Jan 30, 2009
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Not a Concurrent Statement

You need to show more code. The two statements are correct if they are in the proper context, but since you are getting an error they are being used in place in the code where they don't belong.
Jan 31, 2011
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This is what the program should be doing on a CPLD board:

-Turn on an LED for 5 seconds when one of the push-buttons is pressed.
-The debounced counter will increment one count when another of the momentary push-button switches is pressed.

Below is the entire code:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity TimerCounter is

port (CLK0: in std_logic; PBTime: in std_logic; PBCount: in std_logic;
TimerOut: out std_logic; SevenSegment:eek:ut std_logic_vector (0 to 6));

attribute LOC: string;
attribute LOC of CLK0: signal is "P11";
attribute LOC of PBTime: signal is "P43";
attribute LOC of PBCount: signal is "P31";
attribute LOC of TimerOut: signal is "P02";
attribute LOC of SevenSegment: signal is "P36 P37 P38 P39 P40 P41 P42";

end entity TimerCounter;

architecture TimerCounter_arch of TimerCounter is

signal pulse: bit;
signal Q: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);

Timer:process (PBTime,CLK0)
variable cnt: unsigned (5 downto 0);
if CLK0='1' and CLK0' event then
if PBTime = '0' then cnt:= "000000"; TimerOut <= '0';
elsif cnt = 40 then TimerOut <= '1';
else cnt := cnt + "000001";
end if;
end if;
end process;

Debounce:process (PBCount,CLK0)
variable cnt: unsigned (2 downto 0);
if CLK0='1' and CLK0'event then
if PBCount = '1' then cnt:= "000"; pulse <= '0';
elsif cnt = 1 then pulse <= '1';
else cnt:= cnt + "001";
end if;
end if;
end process;

Count: process (pulse)
if pulse='1' and pulse' event then
case Q is when "0000" => Q <="0001"; --1
when "0001" => Q <="0010"; --2
when "0010" => Q <="0011"; --3
when "0011" => Q <="0100"; --4
when "0100" => Q <="0101"; --5
when "0101" => Q <="0110"; --6
when "0110" => Q <="0111"; --7
when "0111" => Q <="1000"; --8
when "1000" => Q <="1001"; --9
when "1001" => Q <="0000"; --0

when others => Q <= "0000"; --default
end case;
end if;
end process;

Display: process(SevenSegment)
if Q = "0000" then SevenSegment <= "0000001"; --0
elsif Q = "0001" then SevenSegment <= "1001111"; --1
elsif Q = "0010" then SevenSegment <= "0010010"; --2
elsif Q = "0011" then SevenSegment <= "0000110"; --3
elsif Q = "0100" then SevenSegment <= "1001100"; --4
elsif Q = "0101" then SevenSegment <= "0100100"; --5
elsif Q = "0110" then SevenSegment <= "0100000"; --6
elsif Q = "0111" then SevenSegment <= "0001111"; --7
elsif Q = "1000" then SevenSegment <= "0000000"; --8
elsif Q = "1001" then SevenSegment <= "0000100"; --9

else SevenSegment <= "0000001"; --default
end process;

end TimerCounter_arch;
Jan 29, 2009
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Using ghdl, I first get:
timer.vhdl:85:5: 'if' is expected instead of 'process'
So insert the missing 'end if' line there

Then a few other errors show up:
timer.vhdl:28:15: no declaration for "unsigned"
timer.vhdl:31:28: can't match string literal "000000" with type error
timer.vhdl:32:11: no function declarations for operator "="
timer.vhdl:33:17: no function declarations for operator "+"
timer.vhdl:40:15: no declaration for "unsigned"
timer.vhdl:43:29: can't match string literal "000" with type error
timer.vhdl:44:11: no function declarations for operator "="
timer.vhdl:45:16: no function declarations for operator "+"
timer.vhdl:71:18: port "sevensegment" of mode out can't be in a sensivity list

use ieee.Numeric_STD.all;
and replacing 'SevenSegment' with 'Q' in the sensitivity list,
gets rid of all the errors.

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